Jai Gupta, a high school student of Step by Step School, New Delhi; has a strong passion for robotics since he was in grade 4. His desire to empower children; led him to envision Project WIRED.
Technology and automation is the future of this world and it is our job to make sure that every single young mind is equipped to adapt to that future.
Jai’s passion for robotics started when he was gifted his first Lego kit at the age of five. Since then, there has been no looking back. He joined RoboClub (a robotics institute in New Delhi) and began his journey of building and coding.
During the past 11 years, Jai has participated in numerous national competitions and represented India at international competitions. He has innovated robotics products such as a walking stick for the blind, recycling of grey water in showers, controlling radioactivity for astronauts and improving physiotherapy in the sports vertical.
Jai strongly feels for social causes and strives to work for the betterment of people, especially children. During covid, he spent a lot of his time tutoring kids in his locality. It is his desire to help children from economically challenged backgrounds that brought him to found Project WIRED. Through this he wishes to empower the youth in the field of robotics.
When he is not thinking about robots, or designing them, Jai can be found dribbling around in a basketball court or tapping away on the tabla.
Represented India at Sydney
Represented India (online due to Covid)
Was to represent India at Tokyo but cancelled due to COVID.
Represented India at Sydney
Represented India at Debrecen
Jai has always been interested in applications of robots in real life and has never been afraid to put these concepts into reality
Grey Water Recycling
Ionised Cosmic Radiation
Walking Stick for the Blind
BOT for Physiotherapy
We would love to hear from you – especially if you have ideas on how we can improve the cause. Or tell us if we are going wrong somewhere – we take criticism with a pinch of salt. Please fill up the form to reach out to us or if you would like to contribute by either volunteering to teach / donate a small amount for purchase of a robotic kit.